Saturday, November 01, 2008

catching up

So. I've been a little A.W.O.L. Work has been really stressful and I've been having some trouble with my visit diagnosis root canal and AFTER that appointment but before the scheduled root canal I BROKE A TOOTH. Seriously. So I had to have a filling last Thursday and a root canal this Thursday. Yeah. Loving it!

Had a lovely weekend last weekend in Phoenix with a friend. Except my phone died. So welcome to my life crackberry! It's only been a week and I love you already! I love how you keep me on schedule and in touch. I love how you do so much with your tiny little size. I just love you!

Today was a good day. Got some projects done around the house while E was at the State Chess qualifying thingy and then we headed over to Kimmy's for a day of the dead party! Highlights included tacos, face painting, and SUGAR SKULLS! I decorated the big one on top...the purple one to the right of the big one, the one that is below and to the right of the purple one, and the pink one just below the big one. I really liked the sugar skulls!

Hope you had a great first day of November!

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