Friday, July 18, 2008


Wow. Life has kind of exploded for us the last few weeks.

Work for me has been busy and E has had lots going on with finishing house stuff and getting ready for school to start. Whenever life gets super busy I feel like UFO's pile up around the house.

Of course in this case UFO stands for the dreaded UN-FINISHED OBJECT. I'm going to go ahead and include books in this because I am such a reader (and i've had a biography of Marie Antoinette on my nightstand that I have been reading since we visited Canada for christmas 2006).

SO in the spirit of feeling a little more pulled together and on task (and feeling really awed by E's getting so much done around the house)...this weekend is crunch time to clear some things from the list:

  • finish b-day present for a friend (birthday has passed = me being busy and lame)
  • order photographs (the downside of going digital is that you have to edit, choose & order)
  • make lanyards
  • make bread
  • going to Kaitee's b-day party
  • work on super secret present for mom and dad's 30th (which has also already passed but in my defense this is in addition to the present I already have them)
  • finish biography of MA mentioned above
  • backup photos
  • backp cd's that i have purchased on itunes
  • do yoga
  • new banner for blog

Many many other things that I can not think of....I was attempting to post this last night and have actually crossed some of these things off the list but I couldn't add pictures. I actually still can't but the lack of posting is quite disturbing so i'm going to go ahead and post and try and add pictures later!

Pictures not added....these are my new specs!

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